Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America
April 22, 2000 - Issue 08

Favorite Sites
by Vicki Lockard from various sources

The world is always spinning, but sometimes it seems it's not going in the direction we want. Oh, it keeps going around the sun, of course. But it takes help from people like you to make sure that things stay on track for the environment. Check in here for facts and fun, and help the world clean up its act!
Earthday for Kids


Welcome back, viewers! Mae the Peregrine falcon has returned to NSP's Allen S. King power plant nest box for her 11th consecutive season.


The Supreme Court announced its plans to implement an official
web site to make Court information available to the public.
Supreme Court of the United States


Ely Parker was a Seneca chief, a legal scholar, an engineer, a Civil War hero, and a Cabinet-level commissioner -- all by the age of 40. At first glance, his story appears to be one of success and triumph.
A Warrior in Two Worlds Eli Parker


The aboriginal peoples of Canada have long suffered indignities, both from a lack of recognition of their contributions to our heritage, culture and social structure, and from limitations imposed upon them that have inhibited their development.

CANADA's Native Peoples helps provide that recognition as well as an impetus for the private sector to work together with native people for a future of great promise, not only for native people themselves but for the benefit and enhancement of all Canadians. It is a responsibility and a challenge....

Canada's Native Peoples-Heirloom Series

EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS AGO, the lower Mississippi Delta was home to some of the most highly organized civilizations in the world. There were roads, commerce, and metropolises anchored by awe-inspiring earthen monuments. Wonders of geometric precision, these earthworks were the centers of life.
Ancient Architects of the Mississippi


This Web Page is designed just for you. It provides information on different aspects of justice - like internet crimes, drug prevention and laws that protect your rights.

Finding information is easy. With one click, learn what you can do to fight crime. With another, you will see the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list. Still another will lead you to the history of Civil Rights.

Justice for Youth and Kids


Welcome to the Learning Place, your one place for finding all the education and interpretation related materials on ParkNet. We hope that the tools and resources we provide below are useful and exciting for all our visitors, especially those interested in teaching about America's natural and cultural heritage through the National Parks.
Parksmart-The Learning Place


The Journal of American Indian Education is a peer reviewed scholarly journal, which publishes papers specifically related to the education of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Journal of American Indian Education


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Canku Ota is a copyright of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.

The "Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design is the Copyright © 1999 of Paul C. Barry. All Rights Reserved.