Canku Ota
(Many Paths)
An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America
General Information
Insects and Spiders
Bison (Buffalo)
Mammals - Miscellaneous
Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes and Dogs
Plants and Trees
Reptiles and Amphibians
The Sky
Mammals - Bears
American Black Bears
The American black bear is the most widespread and numerous bear in North America
The Bear Den
"For bears everywhere, and for those humans who are on their side."
The Bear Facts: American Black Bear
The world's most common and adaptable bear, the black bear uses its versatile arsenal of adaptations to inhabit varied landscapes throughout North America.
Grizzlies in the Wild
The grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilus) is a subspecies of brown bear (Ursus arctos). The healthiest, stable populations of grizzlies live in Canada and Alaska. In the lower forty-eight states, approximately 1000 grizzlies live in the wild.
The Polar Bear
Large, long-legged bear with dense fur and blubber layer. Prominent snout and short, round, furred ears.
Polar Bears Alive
A nonprofit organization dedicated to the worldwide protection of the polar bear and its arctic habitat. Polar Bears Alive was founded in 1992 to serve as a calm voice on behalf of Ursus maritimus. It was established by the late Dan Guravich, an award-winning photographer who is internationally known for his work with polar bears. After years of observing and photographing these intelligent animals, Guravich became increasingly concerned about their welfare.
The Polar Bears Theme Page
You can study polar bears on-line through the Polar Bears Theme Page. It includes two sections: one for primary and one for elementary and beyond. Each section contains student worksheets designed to accompany specific web pages. All resources are free!!
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Mammals - Bison (Buffalo)
American Buffalo (Bison Bison)
Because the great herds were nearly gone before any organized attempts were made to survey populations, we may never know just how many buffalo once roamed North America, although estimates range from 30 to 75 million.
The Buffalo Trust Home
A nonprofit foundation for the preservation, protection, and return of their cultural heritage to Native peoples, especially children, and founded on the conviction that the loss of cultural identity – the theft of the sacred – is the most insidious and dangerous threat to the survival of Native American culture in our time.
Great Plains Restoration Council
Great Plains Restoration Council is a 501(c)3 multicultural, multiracial nonprofit organization building the Buffalo Commons step-by-step by bringing the wild buffalo back and restoring healthy, sustainable communities to the Great Plains. From the Indian Reservation to the prairie outback to the inner city and beyond, GPRC organizes specifically where the areas of environment, human rights and human health, and animal protection interact in social change.
North American Bison
Two hundred years ago, anywhere from 30 to 70 million bison, or buffalo, roamed free in North America. The aboriginal people who lived on the Great Plains relied on these wild mammals for food, clothing, and shelter.
Paths to Bison/Buffalo Information
"Help Is Needed To Protect A National Heritage!"
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Mammals - Cats
Canadian Lynx
Jaguar - Panthera Onca
Lynx of the Northwest Territories
Save The Jaguar
For millennia, jaguars have served as potent cultural icons for many indigenous American people from the Mayans and Incas, to the Guaraní Indians of the Gran Chaco. The Maya believed the jaguar's skin symbolized the night sky, while the Aztecs fed the hearts of sacrificial victims to the big cats. Among Amazonian societies, the jaguar, with its shining, reflective eyes, were thought to connect to the spirit world.
The Wild Habitat Bobcat Simulation
You are a 1 year old female bobcat living in the state of Vermont in a rural, relatively unpopulated area. Vermont is located in the Northeastern section of the United States. There are four seasons, but it is generally quite cold in the area. What are you going to do? Try this fun simulation and see how well you survive.
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Mammals - Deer
Caribou Websites
More than 90 Links to Caribou websites!!!
Although elk were once found throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, today large populations are found only in the western United States from Canada through the Eastern Rockies to New Mexico, and in a small region of the northern lower peninsula of Michigan
Elk (Cervus elaphus)
Elk are a member of the deer family. Native American Shawnee first called them "Wapiti" meaning white or pale deer, probably referring to their light colored rump
Go Moose
Your one-stop center for Moose info, trivia, fun, contests, nonsense & more.
Moose Safety Tips
Alaska Fish and Wildlife Protection offers these suggestions on how to behave around moose:
Moose Stories
Moose are frequent visitors to our backyards, schoolyards, and highways. Few of our Woodriver students haven't had an encounter with a moose, some scarier than others. We asked our students to write about their moose experiences, and we hope you enjoy their stories and pictures.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.
The mission of the Elk Foundation is to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat
White-tailed Deer
Characteristics: * Coat reddish-brown in summer, gray-blue-brown in winter. Fawns spotted with white.
White-tailed Deer Kids Page
Let's learn about the White-tailed Deer The white-tailed deer is a big game mammal found throughout the state of Texas.
Yellowstone Elk
Elk (Cervus elaphus) are the most abundant large mammal found in Yellowstone; paleontological evidence confirms their continuous presence for at least 1,000 years.
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Mammals - Whales
Bowhead Whales
Bowhead whales are the only baleen whales that spend their entire lives in and around Arctic waters.
Enchanted Learning-Bowhead Whale
The bowhead whale is an Arctic baleen whale, a right whale with a large, bow-shaped head that is up to 40% of its body length.
Institute of Cetacean Research
Here you will enrich your knowledge of whales, in the fields of natural and social sciences.
Whales-Thematic Unit
Teachers, here is an entire unit on whales for you.
Whales - What is a Whale?- Enchanted Learning Software
Whales breathe air. They are NOT fish. They are mammals that spend their entire lives in the water.
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Mammals - Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes and Dogs
American Rescue Dog Association
The American Rescue Dog Association (ARDA) is the nation's oldest airscenting search dog organization. ARDA was founded in 1972 by Bill and Jean Syrotuck, who refined the concept of the airscenting search dog and adapted it to wilderness situations. Since that time, ARDA's standards and training methods have served as the model for dog units around the nation.
Arctic Fox
The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is found in treeless coastal areas of Alaska from the Aleutian Islands north to Point Barrow and east to the Canada border. Both blue and white color phases occur, with the blue phase more common on the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands. The white color phase is more common in northern litters. Young of each color phase may occur in the same litter.
Assistance Dogs International
Assistance Dogs International, Inc. is a coalition of members representing organizations and individuals training and placing Assistance Dogs. The purpose of ADI is to improve the areas of training, placement, and utilization of Assistance Dogs.
Canis latrans - Coyote
The coyote is a small species of wolf indigenous to North America. It branched off from the main wolf line perhaps as much as 2 million years ago, and so possesses some rather distinctive physical features of its own. Most notably, it is smaller than other wolf species, and has proportionately longer ears and a more pointed nose.
Guide Dogs of America
Guide Dogs of America is dedicated to its mission to provide guide dogs and instruction in their use, free of charge, to blind and visually impaired men and women from the United States and Canada so that they may continue to pursue their goals with increased mobility and independence.
Loving Paws
Founded in 1994, Loving Paws Assistance Dogs™ is a nonprofit organization that trains dogs to assist children under the age of 18 from around the United States who are physically disabled.
Red Fox
Red Fox

(Red Fox)
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  Canku Ota is a free, bi-weekly, online Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 Fair Use doctrine of international copyright law. Please read our privacy policy.  
Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.
The "Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design is the
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 of Paul C. Barry.
All Rights Reserved.

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