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(Many Paths)
An Online Newsletter Celebrating Native America
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The Time Has Come

To our readers:

For years, Paul and I have shared "Canku Ota" with you, at no charge. One of the reasons that we discontinued the site was because of the lack of funds. To date, we've received no funding for our work, either. But, we now have a dilemma, and we need your help. Without going into boring details, we'll just say that our financial circumstances have changed. So, we have several options and need your help.

Here they are:

1. Make "Canku Ota" available only through paid subscriptions.

2. Accept donations from our readers.

3. Discontinue "Canku Ota."

We want to provide this service free of charge and would like to depend solely on donations from you, in order to meet our expenses. This will allow us to remain independent without any pressure to modify our site to please funding sources. If you find "Canku Ota" to be a valuable source of information and want our efforts to continue, and continue to expand, then please donate what you can to insure that we have the funds necessary to continue to provide you with good news from Indian Country.

In the month of April, we had over 20,000 visitors. Imagine if even half of you donated $0.50 (use this tool for conversion from other currencies) ...that's Fifty Cents...

Frankly, we would prefer to keep things as they are. But, providing a service, like ours, takes time and money. And, we would like to be able to compensate some of the generous folks who share stories and articles with you.

Paul and I will be setting up a Go Fund Me account, for your convenience. If you prefer to send donations directly, please email me and I will give you the address.

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Pidamayaye ye,
Vicki and Paul

email: Vicki Barry

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  Canku Ota is a free Newsletter celebrating Native America, its traditions and accomplishments . We do not provide subscriber or visitor names to anyone. Some articles presented in Canku Ota may contain copyright material. We have received appropriate permissions for republishing any articles. Material appearing here is distributed without profit or monetary gain to those who have expressed an interest. This is in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107.  
Canku Ota is a copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 of Vicki Lockard and Paul Barry.
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The "Canku Ota - A Newsletter Celebrating Native America" web site and its design is the
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 of Paul C. Barry.
All Rights Reserved.

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